Four simple tips to prepare for a viewing

Congratulations! You’re well on the way to selling your home. You’ve chosen your agent, crossed the ‘t’s and dotted the ‘i’s on all the paperwork and your home is officially on the market.

As you sit on the sofa checking the listing on your agent’s website, there’s a sense of pride at how good your home looks, styled, snapped and showcased at its finest! The photographs really bring it to life. It looks warm and welcoming - a fresh, relaxing haven.

But as you raise your head from your phone and survey the reality surrounding you, reality bites. Don’t worry…while NOBODY anticipates show home splendour when they come to view your home, we have a few easy pointers that can give your home that amazing Interiors’ sheen.

So if the fresh, relaxing haven your Rightmove photographs captured appears to have left the building, lost under the tsunami of real life, don’t panic! Here are four simple tips to make your home ‘viewer-ready’, and viewing days a breeze.

Clean and declutter

It goes without saying that your home should be as clean as possible when viewers arrive. Each prospective buyer needs to be able to imagine themselves living in your home. Piles of dirty dishes, grubby carpets, dust bunnies and a line around the bath aren’t going to woo them. Keep on top of the cleaning while your house is on the market – future you will be glad you did!

Lighten up

Nothing says ‘warm welcome’ quite like the right lighting. Opening curtains and blinds to let in natural light maximises the feeling of space. For viewings in the winter months or later in the day, warm lighting from thoughtfully placed table and floor lamps gives a cosy ambience. Scatter a few candles or fairy lights to evoke images of comfy evenings curled up on the sofa.

Temperature control

A quick blast of fresh air through the rooms is always a good idea when viewers are on the way. Lingering teenage deodorant or the faint whiff of last night’s roast isn’t a great first impression. But neither is a cold draft as your potential buyers step through the front door. If you’re selling your home in colder weather, pop the heating on for a little while before they arrive. As they step inside, they’ll feel instantly comfortable – the perfect first impression.

Fix it!

We’re all guilty of putting up with little imperfections in our homes. Perhaps the bathroom light needs a new pull switch, or one of the kitchen cupboard handles is loose. Take the time to fix these details. You may have learned to live with them, but each time a viewer spots one, it can give a bad impression. Don’t risk it – fix it!

To get ahead on viewing day, bookmark this blog. It’s a handy checklist you can come back to next time a potential buyer makes an appointment to view your home. For more tips and advice to help you make the most of yout viewing days, you can contact us on 0161 697 3422. We'd love to help!