Why Home Staging & Styling is a Powerful Selling Tool

The presentation of a unique and prestigious home is one of the most overlooked and misunderstood aspects of selling.

Did you know that if you display your home exactly how you live in it, you’re potentially leaving thousands of pounds on the table?

Think of it this way. You’re not just selling your property – you’re introducing your buyer’s next home. That’s why our stylists stage it so our photographers and videographers can create beautiful lifestyle images to hook your perfect buyer.


How Staging Works

Buyers often look at online listings first, so photos and videos of a thoughtfully staged home will attract a wide audience and leave a lasting impression.

Once you have decided to put your home on the market with us, our stylist will contact you to arrange an initial consultation. After assessing your home, they’ll recommend methods to showcase its best features.

There are several ways our stylist can maximise your property’s value. For example, clever stylish tricks can make rooms feel larger and lighter or increase the sense of flow.

We can also advise you about more substantial alterations. Whether you're considering changing floor coverings or wall colours and don’t know how far to go, we’re on hand to explore the best ways to improve saleability.

And yes – if we believe investing money will produce a higher selling price, we’ll say so.


On The Day

Our home stylist will arrive one or two hours before the photographer and videographer. Using a combination of your furnishings and our props and home accessories, they’ll arrange your rooms and spaces to look their very best for the camera.

Neutral bedding, pale cushions and throws work well, so we’ll bring these items with us on your photoshoot, along with lots of handy accessories. You even get to keep the fresh flowers we use to inject scent and colour.
